Links To Some Of My Favorite Places

Friends (i don't have too many...)

Ivan's Cottage of P.L.U.R.
This is Ivan's home page. He is a raver boy. Visit it.
Elexa's Haven
Don't believe her if she tells you that she is not gothic. It's a lie.

Just Some Places That Everyone Should Visit

The Cure House
The Cure is the best band ever. If you don't believe me check this out, it's their official site. They even made it!
Sanrio Spoofs
This is one of the greatest pages that I have found. If you are a Sanrio fan, you will apreciate this. If you are not, you still will. Check out the Goth Kitty.
Heart of the Dreaming
An excellent place for any of you fans of the Sandman, or anything about the Dreaming.
They Might Be Giants
The Official TMBG site on the World Wide Web. Yes, I am actually a fan.